Committees & Boards

Committees & Boards

A variety of committees and boards offer input and advice to Council on the issues that touch on their respective mandates. In addition, the Township of Lanark Highlands is represented by Council members on a number of external agencies, often along with their counterparts from neighbouring municipalities.

The Township encourages and enjoys committee participation by interested and informed citizens.

In municipal politics, the Committee of Adjustment (COA) is a quasi-judicial body responsible for making decisions regarding certain land-use applications, typically in relation to zoning bylaws and official plans. The committee has the authority to grant minor variances and consent applications (land severances), which are generally related to land-use or property development that do not conform to the established zoning regulations, but are deemed minor enough not to warrant a full zoning bylaw amendment.

Applications to the Committee of Adjustment will be processed in accordance with the requirements of Sections 45 and 53 of the Planning Act, applicable regulations (O.Reg. 200/96 and 197/96 as amended), the Statutory Powers Procedures Act and applicable Township policies.

Note: The committee holds public hearings, allowing neighbors and interested parties to provide feedback on the applications.

 Their decision is based on the information presented at the hearing, which includes staff reports, public comments, and considerations for the broader community’s well-being.

Agendas & Minutes - Committee of Adjustment

Nicole Guthrie, Clerk
Phone Number: 613-259-2398 ext 231
Sarah Hobbs, Planning, Building and Clerk Administrative Assistant

What is a Police Services Board

Many members of the Community have asked “What is the Police Services Board?” and “What do they do?”

The Lanark Highlands Police Services Board is comprised of: Councilor, Steve Roberts (Council Appointee),  Michel Vermette (Municipal Appointee position).

The Lanark Highlands Police Services Board is one of seven boards which contract policing from the Ontario Provincial Police in Lanark County. Pursuant to the Police Services Act of Ontario, the following are the responsibilities of the Board:

  1. participate in the selection of the detachment commander of the detachment assigned to the municipality or municipalities;
  2. generally determine objectives and priorities for police services, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate;
  3. establish, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate, any local policies with respect to police services. However, the board or joint board shall not establish any policy that conflicts with provincial policy with respect to police services);
  4. monitor the performance of the detachment commander;
  5. receive regular reports from the detachment commander or his or her designate on disclosures and decision made under section 49 (secondary activities); and,
  6. review the detachment commander’s administration of the complaints system under Part V and receive regular reports from the detachment commander or his or her designate on his or her administration of the complaints system.

Along with the legislated duties, the P.S.B. is considered a bridge between the community and the police. The board takes an active role in hearing community concerns and addressing them with the Detachment Commander or his designate for action.

For meeting dates, agendas and minutes click here

Contact: Chelsea Rath, Lanark Highlands Police Service Board Secretary
Phone Number: 613-259-2398 ext 252

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) provide policing services to the Township on a contractual basis. If you have specific concerns or comments about the Police Services, please contact any member of the Police Services Board or the Interim Detachment Commander, Karuna Padiachi, at (613) 267-2626 ext 4410

The Lanark Highlands Recreation Advisory Committee consists of the following members:

  • Marina Summers (Chair & Council Representative)
  • Leigh Brown
  • Susan Breckenridge
  • Jan Kammersgaard
  • Roger Young

Terms of Reference

For meeting dates, agendas and minutes click here

Contact: Chelsea Rath, Manager of Facilites/Community Affairs
Phone Number: 613-259-2398 ext 252

The joint planning committee oversees and co-ordinates activities and advocacy directed at the achievement of common goals which are consistent with the mission and vision of The North Lanark Community Health Centre and The Township of Lanark Highlands.

The joint planning committee shall consist of a minimum of two community members, two members representing the Township of Lanark Highlands and two members representing The North Lanark Community Health Centre. The Chair of the Board of Directors of Lanark Health & Community Services and the Mayor of the Township of Lanark Highlands are ex officio members.

The committee shall meet quarterly or at the call of the Chair and will be conducted at a time and place convenient to the members of the committee.

The Lanark Highlands Public Library Board consists of the following members:

  • Tom Shoebridge
  • Wayne Stryde
  • Margaret Malfara
  • Lindsey Rickan
  • Gregory Drew
  • Susan Athrens
  • Deputy Reeve Bill King (Council Representative)

For meeting dates, agendas and minutes click here

There are eleven municipalities in the watershed represented on a 17 member Board of Directors. Central Frontenac, Addington Highlands, Greater Madawaska, Tay Valley, Beckwith, Carleton Place (2 members), Drummond/North Elmsley, Lanark Highlands, Mississippi Mills (2 members) , North Frontenac, City of Ottawa (5 members).

The role of the Board of Directors is to  establish policies of the Authority, define programs and services  to achieve its mandate, determine and monitor annual expenditures, direct management, and advocate the work of MVCA in their community.

Township of Lanark Highlands
MVCA Representative: John Hall

For meeting dates, agendas and minutes click here


The Township of Lanark Highlands is currently recruiting members for the Recreation Advisory Committee. The Committee will be composed of one member of council and four members of the public. The Committee will review and assess municipal grant applications submitted by proponents requesting municipal grant funding. Meetings will be held during the hours of 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday – Friday annually.

Terms of Reference and Application

To apply please email your application to:
Chelsea Rath, Manager of Facilities/Community Affairs – .
613-259-2398 ext.252

Deadline To Apply: November 28th, 2022 4:00pm

OR drop off your application in person at the Municipal Office –
Located at 75 George St. Lanark, ON.
Office hours are 9:00am-4:00pm Monday – Friday.

We look forward to working on the development of our community in a positive and collaborative environment.

For meeting dates, agendas and minutes click here

The Lanark County Climate Action Implementation Working Group provides direction for the implementation and reporting of Lanark County’s Climate Action Plan.

The purpose of the Climate Action Working Group is to:

• Provide direction to the implementation and monitoring of the Climate Action Plan (CAP)
• Provide reports and recommendations to County Council about climate action and the CAP
• Liaise and engage with the community, stakeholders, and lower-tier municipalities in Lanark County, and the Climate Network Lanark (CNL) Working / Advisory Groups about climate action and the CAP
• Assist, if needed, the lower-tier municipalities in Lanark County with their corporate CAP
• Respond to climate change concerns from the community by finding opportunities for climate action that address community concerns
• The committee will work to build a consensus on direction and recommendations for staff to present to the reporting Committee of the Whole meeting

The term of the Climate Action Working Group will continue for the remainder of this term of council.

As the structure of the Working Group requires involvement from each local municipality, the Township of Lanark Highlands is seeking interest for one (1) representative from the Township to sit on the Working Group.

If you are interested and would like to apply, please view the Terms of Reference and Application below.

Application Form Municipal Representative LC Climate Action Committee 2023

Climate Action Working Group Terms of Reference

The deadline to apply is February 27th, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.

Please forward all applications to:
Township of Lanark Highlands
Amanda Noel, Clerk
75 George St. Lanark, ON, KOG 1K0

613-259-2398 x 231

Role and Purpose of the Waste and Recycling Committee

The Lanark Highlands Waste Committee (LHWC) will provide waste diversion and efficiency advice, recommendations, and information to Council concerning waste issues related specifically to the Waste Master Plan, programs and projects that affect the municipalities waste component.

LHWC has no powers of either approval or veto over any decision, activity or program of the municipality.

Committee Structure

LHWC will consist of 6 members, including 1 member of Council and 1 member from the Public Works Department. The 4 remaining members will be appointed by Council and shall be residents of the Township of Lanark Highlands, representing a cross-section of our community with an interest or / expertise in waste related matters and ideally to have representation from the rural farm community, business community, professional community, residential community and youth community.

Waste and Recycling Committee Terms of Reference

The deadline to apply is July 24, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.

Please forward all applications to:
Township of Lanark Highlands
Chad Kean
Manager of Public Works
75 George St. Lanark, ON, KOG 1K0

613-259-2398 x 239

Lanark Highlands Logo

75 George Street,
PO BOX 340
Lanark, Ontario
K0G 1K0


Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.